Make Your Event Stand Out with Live Graphic Recording
These large-scale visual notes are created in real-time during your event or meeting. By distilling and synthesizing information and capturing it in a visual format, the graphic recorder helps your audience and/or participants stay engaged, feel heard, make new connections, gain insights, and retain information long after they leave the room.
Graphic Recording is perfect for a wide range of events
Conferences • World Cafes • Speakers • Strategy Meetings • Brainstorms • Visioning Sessions • Orientations • Training • Workshops
"Katie Lei did an excellent job as a live graphic recorder at our recent all-day meeting of 90+ university administrators. Her beautiful visuals provided an engaging overview of the meeting that we shared with those who could not attend and later sent to attendees as a reminder of what was discussed. Plus photos of the colorful visuals were some of the most engaging content that we shared on social media from the event."
- Alex Aljets
Fellow, University Innovation Alliance
Digital Offerings
Maybe you're hosting a webinar or conference call and want to capture 30 minutes of live content... Or you have a short presentation that you'd like to add a visual element to ahead of time... Or you'd like an illustrated version of your vision statement to distribute throughout your organization... These digital notes are great for any amount of content and include an overview image as well as an engaging video of the creation process, to help people engage with and remember what you have to share.